This has nothing to do with today's cartoon, but I don't have much to say about today's cartoon. Instead, let's talk about bad grammar. When done casually, it makes a person seem uneducated. Our current President is a perfect example. When done with real panache, it can be sublime.
Sort of the like financial issues: if you screw up a little, you lose money and/or go to jail, if you screw up monumentally and take half the world with you, the government will bail you out and you can be rich again. God bless us everyone.
For fun with bad english, go to Engrish.com. I warn you not to visit until you have some time to waste, I've gotten lost in that web site for hours.
yes this one was funny i commented about it when it first came out in papers on your blog about a week back
holy shit i spelt everything correctily
anonymous said...
Wow.. the number of Bizarros you've drawn on your own without assist by a struggling cartoonist must number in the teens by now...
Monday, October 06, 2008
anonymous said...
Well, Derek, you can go ahead and mark us all down as "not shocked or surprised in the slightest."
Monday, October 06, 2008
i like the swedish comic book one ALOT not so much funny as poignant..and i did not know you did that...
the inline skate one well lets just say - keep a stiff upper lip
The Swedish comic book insert (or whatever it should be called) is really nice. Liked today's too.
Don't anyone forget: U.S. Presidential debates tonight! 9pm ET
I love most all of your cartoons that I see. I usually only see the paper on Sundays. Otherwise it is in the recycling bin after my husband has read it. :-( So I'm really enjoying your blog for your cartoons, your slightly twisted humor and your politics. Just sign me a liberal in Texas.
Hi Dan, Brilliant cartoon--as always!!!
If you don't mind me asking, Larry, what do you do for a living?
believe it or not larry levine produced the album the wall by pink floyd
The reason for those strange sentence structures is because they are direct translations from their own language. That's because Engrish just sounds cooler.
Funny nontheless. :]
kinda lame joke. sorry.
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