(It's funner to lookit this pitcher bigger, so click it now.)
Bizarro is brought to you today by the All Knowing Head.
There was a raging conflagration over this cartoon regarding the secret symbol count. By "raging conflagration," I mean that two people emailed me. One said that my count was incorrect, the other said it isn't fair to have more than one of any given symbol in a cartoon. Okay, it was not a conflagration, but it was a flicker.
This one's symbol search is a little challenging, so I've posted the answers to it here. Don't get mad at me if you think it isn't fair. It's my cartoon, I make the rules. If I want to put a tiny microdot in the background and call it a wombat in a Joan Rivers mask I can, and there's not a damn thing you or congress or Eddie Murphy can do about it!!
Note to self: adjust medication.
Dan, was this an even trickier test? You left out one of the secret symbols on the "answers to the secret symbols" link: the word "bird" is upside down in the window of the pub (which made me laugh out loud). Thanks for your great work.
Then I guess I got the symbols-count wrong, Mr. Piraro. Doesn't the inverted B-I-R-D on the protruding window to Mr. Dumpty's right count?
I'm guessing you put it there to confuse us, eh? You should consider being a teacher..;)
ur Fan,
Dee Sh
Hysterical. The one time I easily spot all the secret symbols is the one time other people have problems with it!
If you count the three crowns, then you count the upside-down "BIRD" in the window.
I considered counting the upside-down word "Bird" in the window, but decided against it because it isn't the symbol per se. I wouldn't count the word "Alien" on a poster, for instance. But I do enjoy the debate. :)
But what about the upsidedown BIRD sign in the window??
Reminds me of the giant head. I remember that well. If you remember that, or know what that is, I can promise you it will come up in a blog post.
...and make you change your perception of Sean Connery as an actor.
William Shatner was "The Big Giant Head" on the TV Show "Third Rock From The Sun", and I was expecting that, but to find the huge Eddy, surprised me! Funny man!
Ahhh, I have visited the Bizarro home page and I have discovered the secret of the secret symbols. It took me awhile to catch on. Now I shall join the hunt. Tally ho.
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