Also on his site is a pic of me and CHNW on our Vespa. I bought it new in 1981 and have been its only owner – very rare for an old-school scooter these days. A comment in a previous post labeled me as "crazy" for riding it in NYC. Most people think so, but the truth might surprise you. Because traffic here is heavy, it tends not to move very quickly. I usually find myself cruising along at 30mph, passing the cars stuck in traffic. Also, NYC is filled with so many pedestrians, bicycle messengers, scooters, motorcycles, rollerbladers, etc, that all drivers are constantly on high alert not to kill someone. So in the end, this is the safest place I've ever ridden. Much safer than my previous Dallas location, where traffic often moves very fast and the roads are full of SUV-driving Soccer Moms who seem not to notice anything smaller than a Lincoln Navigator. I was nearly killed on a weekly basis there.
that bike is amazing, and i bet the banana-hammock seat is crotch-tastic.
Oh that is a SWEET ride. I get around on an old Trek 400 street bike and a Bridgestone hybrid and love my babies too, but I don't have ANY style at all and you have SO MUCH in SPADES :-) I also ride a Yamaha Vino 125 (4-cylinder, 125cc scooter). I see your point actually completely now that you mention it though, that probably IS the ideal environment for riding a scooter, my worst enemies here are folks in SUVs talking on the cell phone going 50 in a 35.
and completely off-topic.. my cat has been gone for a couple days and i don't know if he's coming back. could you do a comic based on this question: where do our pets go when they leave for a couple days, and why are they so happy when they return? so many images pop into my head.. a cat-spa.. a dog pool.. conyac and cigars.. i don't know. you're better at depicting your imagination than i.. hence the recommendation. and i won't feel bad if you don't. peace.
I just discovered your site and love your art and posts. I, too, ride a bike regularly, although it's only been for the last month. I'm doing it for health reasons and I love it.
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