Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Cows

Bizarro is brought to you today by
Where Babies Come From.

Just got back to town last night after four days away. If you're keeping a log of my whereabouts, I was in Los Angeles on Thursday night doing some "comedy" (quotation marks are indicative of the subjective nature of the comedy I did) at the premiere of Skin Trade, a movie about where the cute little fur collars, cuffs, jackets and hats everyone is wearing come from. If you're willing to wear fur, you should be willing to watch this film. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Friday I flew home, loaded up the BMW and drove up to Woodstock Sanctuary for our annual June Jamboree. The weather sucked for June – chilly and drizzly – but the event was a success nonetheless. Yay.

Here's two cartoons, to catch up from my lack of posts over the last few days. I hope they give you a chuckle.

And here is a strange video taken at Woodstock over the weekend. We had no idea this would happen and have never seen the steer acting this way before. Normally, they are very sedentary. You can count on one hand the number of times they take more than two steps at a time in a given month. I guess they just like Three Dog Night.


  1. By the same rule, if you're going to murder and eat poor little vegetables, you should be willing to watch every movie about farming and plant diseases that comes out.

  2. Movies like Skin Trade make me sad. The animal rights movement cannot be about protecting animals from humans if it is ever going to succeed because the argument simply doesn't make sense. Animals are often much worse off in the wild. Animal rights activists typically don't understand that. Animal rights at its best is actually about protecting humans from ourselves. None of us normal people really want that person who abuses animals to get away with it because we know that animal abuse says something terrible about the abusive human.

    So the problem is that modern animal rights all comes from a personification of animals, and whereas their conclusions may be right, because they aren't thinking about it the right way, their arguments lack any persuasion to people outside of the movement, except in the specific area of shock value. Shock can be effective, but it isn't a convincing argument, and all you get are more unpersuasive people in the movement. So all you see from animal rights movies anymore is snuff, and I suspect that's why there is such a huge disparity between the beliefs of people on the inside and people on the outside. Neither side can comprehend the actions of the other.

  3. @pies...happily.

    @Anymous...animals are most certainly not worse off in the wild than they are in factory farms, be they for food or fur. Living a free life that ends violently is nothing compared to a violent life in a small cage that ends violently.

    If you're compassionate to creatures other than humans you don't subsidize their abuse. It's that simple.

  4. Oh, the irony! Right below where to place a comment was a big fat ad for "LA Furs"!

  5. I lived just up the hill from the 747 in the woods guy in Oregon. I think his name was Bruce Campbell, which always made me sad that the real Bruce Campbell did live in a plane down the hill. Something for another life, I guess.

  6. @Piraro: Obviously I am not compassionate to creatures other than humans in any intellectual way. Emotionally, I feel compassion, just as anybody does, but it's not a reason to change my behavior. It's nothing other than a curiosity of human evolution. Letting your emotions alone guide your behavior is not doing anybody any favors, my friend.

    I guess the "worse off in the wild" comment is the part that you had the most problem with. I get it. It's not a good argument because there's no way to prove it one way or the other. From my perspective, an animal that lives a long life is better off than one that dies early, but from your perspective, it sounds like the paramount thing is the quality of that life. Saying the same thing about humans is cruel, though. People who suffered their whole lives typically don't want to be told that they'd be better off had they died as a child. As for the animals' deaths, well, death isn't going to be a great time for the dying one, no matter the situation, but there is a lot more torturous killing going on between animals than from humans to animals. Domestic housecats alone might give humans a run for their torture money.

    Anyways, factory farms are just not healthy for humans. Eating excessive amounts of meat is not healthy either. It's not good for the environment, either. Showing me a snuff film where they kill or abuse a small number of animals is not convincing. "See this? This meat? This is killing you. Right Now. Here's the scientific proof." That, to me, is a convincing argument.
