Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Bizarro is brought to you today by

Here are two cartoons again, since I'm still playing catchup. The first one means nothing, I just wanted to play with the term "fancy pants." Lately I've been playing with comics that are just silly, not particularly clever or witty. It's fun sometimes.

The next cartoon is about politics in general and wasn't really meant as a defense of Obama per se, but it was taken that way by at least one angry genius. Here is the email I received from him:

It must be hard to write a comic strip while holding obama's PECKER in your mouth. I don't remember you taking up for bush. Maybe you should make a comic about a hypocrite cartoonist who can't leave politics out of the funny papers. Never mind, you already do that. Idiot.

And my response:
Thanks for the note. You're right, I never took up for Bush, he was a retarded cowboy who could scarcely finish a sentence, much less lead a country. Obama is a brilliant man with a great deal of dignity, compassion, and respect for our constitution. Though I don't agree with many of his policies, at least he is not utterly destroying America at home and abroad, as "W" most certainly did. Not a matter of opinion, a matter of historical record.

By the way, I'm not required to leave politics out of the funny papers. You seem confused about that point, as well as the meaning of the word "hypocrite."

I rarely answer emails like this one in anger, but this guy seemed to need a slap in the face. I know he didn't care but it made me feel better to write it. I'm only human.


  1. I love your response, Dan. Truly. Simple, to the point, elegant. Bravo.

  2. I love your hate mail reply, Dan! Truly elegant, simple, to the point. Bravo.

  3. GREAT retort to the email. Maybe we too often sit out because we are polite... and then it all slides downhill anyway.
    As always...wonderful drawing. I always love the penmanship.

  4. Dan -

    Your response was perfect.

  5. Dude, I love your stuff! The cartoons are already an iced cake, but the commentary on the blog is the cherry on top.

  6. While the person who sent you that angry e-mail was in the wrong, I have to say that you are being a little hypocritical by not calling out Obama for doing the same things Bush did. You're going to have to face the truth; both political parties are cut from the same cloth.

  7. Retarded cowboys everywhere have just been offended.

  8. I'm only human too, and your response was spot on. Aren't you happy to know you have the ability to understand the fine points? Thank you Dan Piraro Bizarro. Jeano

    PS: Love the Fancy Pants cartoon, too.

  9. Hey...I love your silly comics that have no real meaning other than to be silly. That's what makes them so great...keep up the good work and don't let morons like this writer dampen your matter where it comes from.

  10. @johann : Yes, because people on the internet are far too polite.

    Dan: Do you actually reply to every one of your e-mails, even the abusive ones? It seems like the best thing would just be to delete the ones that start off with insults.

  11. You're awesome and I love you and your work.

  12. On behalf of all retarded cowboys, I'm, uh ... oh yeah, politics. I'm amazed the dink who wrote the angry letter was actually able to read your cartoon. It had, like, lots of WORDS in it, y'know?

  13. I have to agree with Jame's comment. Obama cares about as much about the constitution as any of the ruling elite. Carrying on and expanding on Bush's policies is not exactly compassionate and to me by not discontinuing these policies he is just as culpable. The republicans and democrats is really the war machine underneath. Punch and Judy.

  14. Regardless of one's political beliefs, we can all agree on one thing: best way to get maximum impact from the word "pecker" is to type it in all caps.

  15. The toon is terrific, the guy who wrote in could almost be my old man, who I could call a right-wing wacko except he's just plain old wacko. This guy sounds like it too.

  16. Politics, penmanship and retarded cowboys aside ... I love your fashion sense Mr. Piraro. The pants! The tie! I wish I could order them for Father's Day!

    Your response was indeed, as Superhero wrote, elegant. It was also civil, which is rare, though maybe, eventually, with President Obama in the White House will trickle down.
