Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dental Mortgage

Bizarro is brought to you today by Personal Health.

The Tooth Fairy is a fairly ghoulish character. She (Is it wrong to assume TF is female? ) collects human teeth, for starters, and wants them so badly she's willing to pay for them. What does she do with them? Does she make jewelry, dentures, puppets?

She is also cruelly inequitable. A friend of mine was getting a dollar a tooth while I was getting only a quarter. I had to lose four times as many teeth to keep up with him. I began life with both an inferiority complex and difficulty chewing my food.

This cartoon is retribution. Take that, Tooth Fairy.


  1. Interestingly enough, in Mexico we call the tooth fairy "ratón de los dientes", ie "tooth mouse". So it is supposed to be a mouse replacing its own teeth.

  2. I read a very strange novel a long time ago in which the Tooth Fairy was actually this monstrous sort of creature who ate teeth and pooped quarters.

  3. Hahaha.. at first glance I so thought the tooth fairy, instead of bringing a coin-of-consolation to a kid, was now coming to an adult to collect on his dental bill!! Thank god that doesn't happen! So thinking of it, I think the most appropriate amount for the tooth fairy to leave under the pillow would be approximate to what dental bills will cost later in life! Then the government would at least be off the hook for a national dental plan.. it's a thought!

    Also, I think that "human teeth carved into faires" is awesome!!

  4. Did you get this idea from the Gary Larson Tooth Fairy cartoon? (Where the TF leaves a note along the lines of "This time I'll just take the one, but next time I'm coming for the whole lot of 'em!") ...Its one of my favorites and something I plan on pranking my own kids with someday when they are young enough.

  5. I expected something far more terrifying under the "puppets" link -- more of a muppet with a full set of real teeth set into its felt mouth. The rings did a good job of making me cringe, though, so I'm not too disappointed.

  6. The jewelry is so freekin' creepy, I want some! Only can I have my dogs teeth used for a customized piece? Where did you find this?

  7. @Inga Huff...This jewelry came from Australian silversmith, Polly van der Glas. You can Google that and see what you come up with.

    @PD...I figured Larson had done something similar because it seems like something he would do, but I haven't seen his work in years and don't recall the one you mentioned. I consciously try NOT to emulate other cartoonists, of course, but it happens from time to time.

  8. In the Ren & Stimpy episode Ren's Toothache the "Nerve Ending Fairy" is a hoot, and breaks the sex/gender boundaries you were considering here.
