Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Adam and Apple

Today's Bizarro cartoon is brought to you by Tampon Chandelier.

This cartoon was pretty popular with readers, as you might expect. Computers have become such an important part of virtually everyone's life in our society and the story of these two companies and their founders is fascinating. It's also interesting that the one with the better business sense but inferior design won the war in many ways. Apple is a huge and successful company, of course, but nothing like the size of Microsoft. It says a lot about life and the Utopian fantasy of meritocracy.

There are some cartoonists whose work is much more creative, clever, well-executed, and relevant than others, but who make a fraction of the money of less worthy products, too. I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure they exist.


  1. "Apple is a huge and successful company, of course, but nothing like the size of Microsoft. "


    Google will be bigger than both of them in ten years.

  2. ...but Eve wasn't offered the apple... why'd ya draw Adam?

    Also: it's about time someone equated the apple with the bite missing with original sin.

    As for bad cartoons making bigger impact, yes, there are more dumb people than clever people. But, please know you're keeping us clever ones afloat much of the time.

  3. It's a fun comic ... I had one question, though: in the original, the snake tempted Eve first, not Adam. Is there a reason you decided to put Adam in instead? For the "Adam and Apple" reference? Did your editor catch it?

  4. A meritocracy is not a Utopian fantasy. In the real world it just comes down to doing what people WANT better instead of what you want to be done better.

    Back in the early days of the personal computer boom the "people" were businesses and large orgs.

    They didn't necessarily want the level of technical sophistication Apple offered. What they did want was a more modest set of features at a cheaper price, with more 3rd party support.

    Apple didn't achieve that merit at the time. Microsoft did. They won *that* battle.....not the war.

    Decades later people are fed up with windows and at least at home as well as with new devices, Apple is gaining ground by giving people something better.

    Meritocracy in the real world.

    BTW, I'm a linux user who will likely go Mac at home at some point.

  5. The picture linked to "the founders" reminds me of the picture on this:

    I find the people carrying on the Gates/Jobs feud to be quite silly. I've got both kinds of computers and they're both radically bitchen!

  6. Mac and Bizarro yes, Windows and Garfield no. Obviously I've been on the side of the angels all along and didn't know it.

  7. Where's the exhaust fan for when you light the tampons[didn't see any LEDs in the closeup]? If it doesn't give light, it's not a chandelier; it's a sculpture of a chandelier.

  8. this comic made me feel superior because I love my mac. I have to use windows at work and I hate it. My coworkers are always complaining about their home computers, but even though I tell them how amazing my mac is they don't switch over (well, except for one guy, but he runs mostly windows on his mac). I think it's partly brand loyalty and fear of differences.

  9. apples' downfall was the fact that they initially thought that they were a 100% hardware company instead of a software company selling their operating system (OS) on a computer that they happen to manufacture. apple chose to not allow licensing of their OS on other computers which, in hindsight, was what launched MS. The other computer manufacture's (IBM, compaq, Tandy, Epson, etc) needed an operating system to sell with their machines and since apple chose to not allow other hardware competitors to use their OS, MS' DOS basically became the only game in town. Thus, as people bought a wide variety of computers, which they had many choices, apple got a great share (20-30%) but that also meant that MS got the remaining market share (70-80%). Which meant that the third party software engineers designed their products, they chose support the largest OS platform... which was MS.

    Sorry, short story long...

  10. Dan,
    I really wanted to be a cartoonist... had to be a scientist! Since I have a day job, can you check out my blog and see how I am progressing?
    A Big Fan,
    You are awesome!!!

  11. Brought to you by Tampon Chandelier! Ha! Cute comic too. ;)

  12. I love this, and many of your cartoons, they hit the nail on the a round-a-bout type of way =) Keep 'em comin'

  13. @beforewisdom:
    As an ex apple user and current linux at home user, I have to say you'll probably be shocked at just how closed the apple platform has gotten. The 'open source' Mach Kernel is no longer open, for one. The iPhone and the iPod are a nightmare of proprietary everything. They basically go out of their way to keep people from enhancing or breaking their own computers in the name of fun.

    Ah well. Hey Dan: Linux's mascot is the penguin. You should make a Linux joke- no one would get it, but the penguin would be cute.

  14. Things are well designed on an Apple but I'm tired of hearing about the "buggy" Windows.I found both of them to be equal.But they Apples looks nice.I bought one myself but now I know that the grass is not greener on the other side.Apple:less options,less programs,less alternatives,less compability and better design. My 5 cents... Best regards Gill Bates

  15. The inferior product in question has become a joke. The only reason I read it every day to see if he's using the EXACT same panel three times. He's usually good for that at least once a week.

  16. apple vs mac thats like comparing you to gary larson . your a way better artist but larson still makes more money just selling calendars .great blog

  17. I will never, ever understand the appeal of the less-worthy products. I live in San Diego, and have to skip at least a quarter of the comics in our paper. It's too painful.

  18. Macs should be compared with PCs, not with windows IMO. That being said, I prefer a PC with windows than a Mac. PCs are cheaper, you don't have to buy all your stuff from the same guy (overpriced monopoly) and you have much more choices in soft and hard. Macs are nicer, that's their only advantage, and their users think they are cooler.

  19. Hi Dan (if that is your real name);
    I love your work and am envious of it. You seem to have the same understanding of reality I have, Mine is at I'd love a running conversation.
