Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bunny Hijinks

Bizarro is brought to you today by Unexplained Phenomenon.

Here's a cartoon that was meant to be a simple bit of wordplay. I threw a bunny with a stick of dynamite onto the computer screen because these are images I toss into my cartoons daily. About this, I did not think twice. Then came the emails.

A notable number of readers thought that the combination of religious names in the word balloon and an explosive device on the computer screen was some sort of statement about terrorism. Or maybe it was just the threatening image of a bunny. While I can see their point, it certainly never crossed my mind until I started getting the emails.

This kind of thing happens all the time. For this reason, long ago I stopped using the dynamite in any cartoon having to do with airline travel. I probably should have foreseen this interpretation, too, but I didn't. As they say here in Brooklyn, whaddyagonnado?

Speaking of headquarters, we're currently in the midst of our first big snowstorm of the season. It won't be anything like the dumping-on of the Washington D.C. area, but it's piling up. Here is a pic from my studio window.


  1. hey, I`ve found your blog randomly and I`m very happy about it :) You`re very talented and its nice to read what you have to say.

    Cheers from Colombia!

  2. What's really funny is how, even though your cartoons are really funny, some people can't take a break from their fearful perspectives even long enough to enjoy a good bit of wordplay!

    Yours Sincerely,

    I.M. Surtinly, Esq.
    Dewey, Cheatham & Howe

  3. I thought this was funny and I didn't read anything into it. I took it at face value, like you said, you add quirky things all the time.

    OHHH and I loved today's comic strip with Karl and carl. Very funny!

    I've been a fan for many years. Keep doing what you're doing! :)

    Mary Ann

  4. It's interesting. The joke itself is a little ambiguous. That plus the prominence of the bunny picture lends itself toward giving the bunny picture more graphical meaning than you originally intended. Also, while the bunny isn't drawn the same every time, it's maybe a little bit rare for you to draw it in the act of doing something. Mostly it just sits.

    That said, despite the clues toward having meaning I can't imagine the commentary the bunny might be said to be making.

  5. you know i have said this before...thank god for this blog...sometimes you make my head hurt because i can't figure out what you were (dare i say it) shooting for...simple word play is fun i guess...nice bunny

  6. "Bunny" my ass. You obviously drew a cartoon of the prophet Mohammad and you will face the consequences. It was nice knowing you.

  7. I'll totally understand if you choose to moderate that last comment of mine. Who wants that trouble? I don't.

  8. People are idiots. Seriously. How could anyone actually read something into the cartoon? People need to learn to live and let live and stop being so damn hypocritical of everything. It's not all about them. In terms of the cartoon: well done.

  9. Hey Dan. Maybe I'm just a simpleton, but I don't try to find hidden meanings in the funny pages. A little wordplay, a bunny with a stick of dynamite, what better way to start my day.

    Love you,

  10. I am often amazed at the human need to find deeper meaning in EVERYTHING! sometimes a smile is just a smile when you're dead you're dead. I always hated that part of English class where you had to find the deeper meaning in a book. WHY must it have a deeper meaning? Is it not enough to enjoy the beauty of the picture or the words, must we find something special beyond the surface? Call me superficial, but I like the obvious and leave the subtext to the bellybutton gazing knuckleheads.

  11. s'funny people would fixate on the benign bunny/dynamite image, when the envelope in the out (in?) tray is clearly full of deadly anthrax spores!
    i can only imagine what's in the box!

  12. It occurs to me that there is some percentage of people out there - small but vocal perhaps - who are trolling newspapers and blogs, looking for things over which they may take offense.

    Like, their lives aren't complete unless they have something to complain about.

    You just helped them get through another day. :)

  13. i like the alien. pls draw more aliens.

  14. I finally went to the page explaining all the symbols.

    The dynamite is not explained there...?

  15. Sometimes a funny bunny with a bomb is just a funny bunny with a bomb. Funny being the key word here....

  16. Hey Dan! I've had pet bunnies and know how destructive they can be,so I think it's very funny. As for the word play, it's always great!
