Friday, January 8, 2010


Yes, once again we have winners and here is what they call themselves and order in which they submitted the correct answers:

1. Randy ...soon-to-be proud owner of FIVE packs of Bizarro Trading Cards! DANG!
2. Abdullah ...ditto, TWO packs, ditto.
3. dcroberts ...ditto.

Thanks to everyone who played our little game puzzle contest thingy. If I'm still alive and in command of my faculties, I shall post another contest next Thursday. Until then, please enjoy my daily postings of cartoons and other nonsense, one of which will appear in this space within the hour.



  1. you're accepting "baton"? looks like a toilet plunger to me...

    not that I'm bitter....

    I love the contest, Dan, it's a brilliant way of getting us to notice, if not marvel at, the detail in your work.

    while I'm here, my 2 cents on your video blog idea -- fabulous! but only if it's an occasional supplement to this already excellent blog.

    (do you ever get tired of the gushing of your fans?)


  2. wooo hoooo! 3rd place!
    this is the happiest day of my life!
    (if i knew how to type, i mighta' got 1st!)

  3. Hi, I was just thinking about the time that you had a blender as the prize for the weekly contest, and I thought, "Wouldn't it be fun to have other, different prizes?" I bet that people would be willing to send in some "great" items that you could then give out as prizes. I'm thinking about the kind of things that you receive at "white elephant" gift exchanges and the like.

