Friday, January 8, 2010

Brat Walloping

Bizarro is brought to you today by Your Inner Salad Bar.

Today is a good day because I get to post one of my favorite efforts in a while. I'm not one of those sappy cartoonists who claims to love all of his creations equally. I don't. In fact, I'm not even one of those sappy parents who claims to love all of his children equally. I definitely love one of my daughters much more than the other. (I'm not saying which one because they both read this blog. You know who you are, pumpkin, don't say anything to your sister.)

Regardless, I like this cartoon a lot. I detest reality shows and celebrity game shows but if Bobby DeNiro were facing off against Lindsay Lohan in a boxing ring, I'd watch and tape it so I could watch it again and again.

Thanks for dropping by today, I deeply appreciate it. Until tomorrow, be well and happy. I understand it beats the hell out of the alternative.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: No, I am NOT advocating violence against women. Don't be an idiot.


  1. Have you ever seen MTV's "Celebrity Death Match?"

  2. Totally off-topic, but Dan, have you seen this? Mark Fiore has been getting death threats from the teabaggers.

  3. Relax, there is a 12 step program just for Lohan fans

  4. I am advocating violence against celebrities, especially for entertainment.

  5. Oooh, violence against women, good one.

  6. @Prospero...haven't heard of it, no.

    @Penny...hadn't seen it, thanks for the link.

  7. killian and kaitlin are not going to be happy with you...puns pretty punny however

  8. or SCTV Battle of the PBS All Stars
    in which Mister Rogers (Martin Short) has it out with Julia Child (John Candy)
