Sunday, November 1, 2009

Return From the Swamp

(To view the image in colorful bigness, click on the farmer's hat and say "Skittles.")

Bizarro is brought to you today by Educational Candy.

I have returned alive and well from my week in the swamps of Florida and not a moment too soon. For those who haven't been watching the news this morning, Florida was hit last night by a flying volcano and sank into the Atlantic Ocean. Kind of sad. I'll be posting a travelogue of our trip in a few days, complete with pictures that we thought would be funny when we took them. But maybe it was just the pina coladas talking.

Meanwhile, here is a comic that got lots of emails from readers who really liked it. The concept came from my good friend, Cliff. He can be funny sometimes, although most of the time he just mumbles into an empty cardboard beer box. Kind of sad, really.

I'm weeks behind on email, so this blog is short. Happy to be back, hope you all had a dandy Halloween with surprisingly few casualties.


  1. As the 'stuporintendant of an apartment complex here, I got a call for a plugged crapper in one of the apartments last nite.
    I wore my Sheik Yerbootie getup for this one, (bless Ya, Frank Zappa), and when I walked into the apartment, one of the guys said to the other one: "You owe me ten bucks- I said he would wear a costume!"

  2. Man, that comic is hilarious!!!!!! LMFAO!!!

  3. Alas, what a dull Halloween -- nobody showed up naked this year.

  4. Slightly insane .. but I missed you! You're just words on a screen with a pretty (sometimes witty, sometimes funny) picture, but as I gear down for NaNoWriMo, my Bizzaro inspiration was lacking :)

  5. Glad you survived, pina coladas and all. I've never visited Florida, it's on my vacation to do list when I can take my nieces. My hubby doesn't do Disney... he loves National Parks not theme parks. LOVE the cartoon. Being a San Antonio native, I grew up with pinatas being a fixture at every birthday party when we were old enough to swing a stick, usually a cut off broomstick.

  6. My boyfriend and I saw that you were supposed to be at the Central Florida Veg Fest. We asked around and looked everywhere, but nobody seemed to know who you were. We figured maybe you weren't there, and my boyfriend was upset because that was mainly why he went.

  7. hey Dan, a fan of yours here from Southeast Asia. recently discovered your blog. i must say, it's an awful blog, so awful that i will have to keep coming back and checking it out everyday to see if there's any improvement.

    so, keep blogging!

  8. welcome back. been following your cartoons in our local news paper until they stop syndicating it. glad to have found you here.


  9. Welcome back, Dan. Funny comic.

  10. @ brandibee..
    So sorry to hear of the mixup. I've done art for the Florida Veg Fest and have been asked to attend, but I never was scheduled to be there. If they were saying I was, they were lying. :(

  11. Great comic, Dan, but how could you pass up this opportunity to educate the public about piƱata abuse?

  12. Hey commie (Scariest halloween Costumes). We all want affordable healthcare, we just don't want the government running it. And don't compare Medicare with this healthcare. We all pay taxes for our medicare when we're 65. This program makes everyone pay for it now and you can't opt out dummy. Thank God for Fox. they're the only ones telling what's happening in DC, not the state-run media.

  13. Question...

    Do you use the traditional rules of perspective in your art... or do you just wing it?


  14. @PercyTrout...
    Regarding perspective, I more-or-less "wing it" in that I use my instincts to make it look realistic. But the traditional rules of perspective are what our instincts are based on, so they're sort of the same thing. But I don't use a vanishing point and rulers, if that's what you mean.

  15. Rulers and vanishing point is what I meant. I'm a cartoonist too... and I've always just gotten so hung up when I try to use the rulers and vanishing point... it looks so garsh darn forced when I do that. I now go for a more organic, winging -it style.

    Your perspective looks great by the way. Awesome brain you have there. :o)
