Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sorry to say I'll not be posting blogs until November 1. It's my favorite (and least lucrative) task of the day but I'm taking a week off in an attempt to remember what it is like to relax.

Of course, my Bizarro deadlines don't take a week off, so I've had to work double hard in advance to clear my schedule. By the time my vacation starts, I'll be too tired to enjoy it. It's the American way!

Hope you'll drop back by next week when I'll have pictures and stories to tell of our ascent to the motel (pictured above) at the top of Mount Everest. Wish us luck!


  1. Dude, keep the noise down over there. I'm in the room next door.

  2. Hey Dan, when you and the Missus climb back down from Mt. Everest, please post the cartoon showing the two slackers in baggy pants, and one says to the other, "I wanted to be a stockbroker, but they told me I had to wear a belt."

    Thanks in advance.

  3. You're coming home today!
    And I thought I invited you to my play.

    ...the invitation wasn't a request.
