Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Celebrities and Broken Stuff Glued to Walls

A couple nights ago CHNW and I joined Alicia Silverstone at a swanky vegan restaurant in NYC to celebrate the release of her dandy new book, The Kind Diet. Take a look at the cover, linked to the title above, Alicia looks cute and sexy, because she is, and my wife, CHNW, says the book is awesome. We got our copy autographed, of course, but I asked her to sign it, "Batgirl," instead of her regular name.

While there, I ran into SHOWBUSINESS COMEDY GOD, David Steinberg. I was familiar with his stand-up comedy way back in the day, and his copious writing, directing and producing since then, but I had no idea he's a longtime vegan. Yay. He, too, was cute and sexy. Super friendly guy with whom I would LOVE to be friends, but I didn't get his contact info. If anyone knows David, tell him to email me.

And, as an added bonus, here's a picture (NOT taken on an iPhone in poor light) of CHNW at the famous mosaic garden on Philly's South Street a few weeks ago. Go see this place, it is huge, masterful and inspiring. (The mosaic garden, not CHNW. While often inspiring, she is by no means huge.)


  1. But are those your cartoons tattooed on her biceps?, Enquiring Minds would like to know.

  2. I'm seeing a pattern here... all the vegans are cute and sexy...

  3. Woah! Didn't know she came up with a book!

  4. @ La Framericaine...
    They aren't cartoons exactly, but that is my art. I designed all the tattoos you can see in this shot. She has a couple of tiny ones that were not mine.
