Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beat It?

Bizarro is brought to you today by Surprising Products.

I grew up in the South where pinatas are common at children's birthday parties. Consequently, for many years I believed that if you beat an animal hard enough, you would get candy. This was a lesson that did not serve me well in my later years.

Therefore, I propose that we replace the common subjects of pinatas – donkeys, bulls, superheros, skinless toddlers – with more deserving targets like Rush Limbaugh.

IMPORTANT NOTE: While I despise Rush Limbaugh and do not wish him well in any sense of the word, I DO NOT advocate physical violence against him or anyone else that you happen not to like. This is a humor blog, so DO NOT take my musings as prophecy or advice. (A defense that Rush himself has used countless times when advocating immoral, illegal, or treasonous behavior.)
In summary: Busting open Rush Limbaugh pinata = candy and laughs.
Busting open Rush Limbaugh himself = jail and drug-tainted bodily fluids and organs.


  1. Sir, when you make comments like that about Rush Limbaugh, well, I just love you more and more every time you do. Please please please continue to do so!

  2. I've always wondered-- what do the color-coded links mean?

  3. I love this cartoon! That's all I have to say... I just love it.

  4. This one is sure to get people riled up. I love it.

  5. One of my co-workers noted that he scarred his kid for life when at her birthday he bought a Barney pinata for the festivities. No harm he thought... until the first kid started to whack the crap out it with a baseball bat. His daughter's screams of horror... "He is killing Barney!" was heard throughout the next county.

  6. @spyra...
    They don't mean anything, really. You just click on them and get a picture that is meant to illustrate the point, or make you laugh.

  7. *LOVE* the cartoon!

    The rush limbaugh (intentional no caps) pinata would have to be filled with doo doo. ...But of course then it would just be shunned... HEY!!!

    How about a pinata in the form of a vending machine?

  8. Well, yes, there are the jail and the drug-tainted bodily fluids and the organs. There's no doubt about that. But if you don't also laugh, you're just not human.

  9. Dan: We need pinatas of Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore. They're both hugely fat and empty-headed, so imagine how much candy you could stuff into 'em. Plus, it would be fun to whap the hell out of those morons.



  12. Hey Dan. Long time reader, first time poster.

    Just wanted to say that I LOVE your comics - your a genius, my friend.

    I was wondering if you would be so kind as to re-upload an old comic of yours.

    It was one with the band called "The A.D.D.s", and it was three guys who were texting/playing video games, instead of playing instruments.

    If not, just let me know what day that specific cartoon was published.

    Thanks a lot man!


  13. @Josh...
    I don't particularly like Michael Moore either, but at least his aims are justice and equality for all, as opposed to wealth and power for a few.

  14. I love the innocent mug on that pinata. "What'd I do? I was just following the lead of all those little hairless animals."

  15. Piraro: That may be what Moore promotes himself as fighting for, but based on his actions, he appears to be in it more for himself than for promoting "equality for all."

    Anyway, his ideas are flawed. If I may paraphrase the great Frank Zappa, "Socialism doesn't work because people like to own stuff."

  16. Having grown up with birthday party pinatas, I have to say this is too funny! Thanks!!! PS. I posted a few of your cartoons on my cube wall. Some people really like them but haven't heard of you. So I'm spreading the word of the Bizarro greatness.

  17. @Josh...
    I'm guessing Frank was referring to pure socialism, the sort practiced in the Eastern Bloc back in the day, whereas Moore advocates a socialism/capitalism mix, which we and most other first-world nations already practice and which the Bushies tried to turn back to pure capitalism. Moore is clearly out to make a good living, everyone is, but his subject matter has always been about helping the helpless, even long before he was famous.

  18. One of the best Bizarros ever! Oddly, I enjoyed this one more in B&W. I first read it in the newspaper then went to the web site to save a copy. In the BW version, I first noticed the serene pinata with a hammer, then the kids lying face down, then the kids fleeing at the periphery, and finally the terrified face of the kid in the bottom right. It was a very layerd effect and made it even funnier.

    In color, things stand out more and it didn't have that layered effect. Either way, one of the funniest ones ever.

  19. Not funny, not entertaining. If anything, such comments only serve to illustrate how hypocritical you are.

    You seem to think it is perfectly OK to make such vitriolic comments and advocate violence when an individual says things that you disagree with! Does that mean that when you say things that people disagree with that they should beat the crap out of you with a baseball bat?

    You have a sick and twisted audience, think before you write man! All of the disclaimers in the world will not absolve you of responsibility should one of your readers pick up the bat against one of your targets.
