Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Comeback Blog

Bizarro is brought to you by
my long absence. Thanks for your patience and all of the notes and comments expressing a wish for my return to daily blogging. I've been away from home for three weeks, a rarity for me, partly on holiday in Hawaii and partly in Austin, Texas for my daughter's wedding. It was a terrific trip all around.

I'll post some holiday pics in the coming days or week, if I can get them downloaded and sorted and all that. Just the good/funny/weird ones. I don't want to subject you to boring personal moments or anything.

Speaking of boring personal moments, here are a couple of nice pics of my two daughters and me at the wedding. I'm the dark guy on the right who just got back from two weeks in Hawaii. The one in the light dress is Krapuzar, my eldest and the new bride, the one in the disgraceful, upstage-your-sister-at-her-own-wedding red dress is Krelspeth, the youngest. The "K2" that regularly appears in my cartoons stands for them.

And here, as proof that I was indeed in Hawaii, is a picture of me underwater at a Maui beach.

By the way, a handful of readers wrote to me asking what the above cartoon meant. If you were similarly confused, if you rearrange the letters in each word of the speaker's balloon, you get "There is no god." Hence the atheist anagram.

More shenanigans tomorrow!


  1. How on earth did people not get that joke? You pretty much told them what to do in the caption. People need to put out more effort. :) Great pics, beautiful daughters...having a 4 year old and a 20 month old, I can't even imagine that phase of life...but it's a-comin' faster than I want it to, I'm sure. Welcome back!

  2. I'm sure you can reasonably understand how your new darker look makes me uncomfortable, a little threatened and as a result more patriotic.

  3. Okay, you have to admit, your daughters names are rather unusual to an American ear. What is their source/inspiration?

  4. Yay, Dan's back! I'm a lousy anagram-ist- I saw it as "god is not here."

  5. Wedding-wise, you must be proud father. I didn't see the groom mentioned so I cannot be sure.

    Hawaii-wise, id you get a chance to try the bread trick I recommended while snorkeling?

  6. you mean the girl in the red dress is a single?? Interesting...

    (insert rolling eyes smiley here)


  7. And I, forgetting the difference between "anagram" and "acronym" didn't get it. Curses. Welcome back!!!

  8. Hehe, nice to see you back again.

  9. K2? You mean you gave your daughters the initials KP? I thought you were a vet. The "jokes" are endless, but all mean.

  10. I loved this particular cartoon because it was intellectual, yet I actually got it!

    I certainly missed your blog, but yay for having an actual holiday! I'm sure it was much needed and well deserved.

  11. Hi Dan!
    I wrote to you an email but... maybe it is doesnt work any more?!

    Anyway, happy to share this one =

    and this

    We were in contact 2 years ago - and we STILL WANT (everybody in the world, not only in Ukraine!) VIDEO ABOUT PREHISTORICAL MAN AND COYOTE in GOOD Quality!!!!

  12. Welcome back, Dan. By the way, the photo on the holiday hi fi album is of Avalon, on Catalina Island off the So. California coast -- if anyone is visiting SoCal this summer from out of state, Avalon is a great place to visit. Great snorkeling and quaint little town.

  13. Aakriti AgrawalThursday, May 13, 2010

    Congrats on your daughter getting married! They both are rly rly pretty and have beautiful (but weird) names... and u have a rly dark TAN! xD

    So glad ur back, I am possibly the happiest person in the world rite now. :p

  14. congrats on your brownness,... and becoming a father-in-law!! :)

  15. Now wait just a minute! On this site http://www.bizarro.com/symbols/awareness.swf (look under K2) you claim their names are "Kermit" and "Krapuzar" - what is the story here?
