Monday, April 26, 2010

Holiday Hell

Bizarro is brought to you today by Paradise Pie.

So much for my intentions to blog daily while away from home. There is just too much to do in Hawaii to make myself sit in front of a computer. Typically, we get up early and hit the beaches – snorkeling, sun bathing, napping. It's a tight schedule and by the time we get home, we're exhausted and barely have the energy to clean up and go to bed. Holidays can be hell.

More later, lots of stupid pictures to share.


  1. Sounds rough. For God's sake take care of yourselves!

  2. Hey if you are still there a good trick I know when snorkeling is to take a plastic bag with some bread in it with you. slowly let the bread out and the fish will mob you. Just watch out for the parrot fish if you are hand feeding as they can get a little eager.

  3. Yeah -- why IS is that lying in the sun all afternoon can be as exhausting as running a marathon? Can it have something to do with the beer with which one keeps oneself hydrated? We here in Southern California have devoted years of serious study to this phenomenon and are yet no closer to an answer than we were when we began.

  4. I'm so glad you're not blogging from paradise. BE THERE NOW. Clever people need to let their brains go all soft and present-time wanderingly periodically.

  5. Hey Dan,
    Not sure if you're still on Maui... but if you are, try to get to Olawalu to snorkel if you haven't. There are tons of green sea turtles there and a "turtle cleaning station" where they all go and wait to drop to the bottom and have these little black fish come out of the coral to clean their shells. It's awesome. Most of the people seem to be willing to obey the rules and not disrupt the turtles. They seem to like people... they'll pop up to breathe right in front of you... and you can pop your head up and be face to face with them. I loved it. It's best by boat (it's shallow from the beach and the coral is rough), but lots of the boats go there. I've been there both with Paragon and Hula Girl (an amazing boat if you haven't been on it - chefs on board and they made me a vegan burger - it leaves from Kaanapali beach). Hope you're having a wonderful time. Maui is one of my favorite places on earth and I wish I was there right now!
    Best, Kelli :)
    P.S. Your column in VegWorld is my absolute favorite.

  6. HAHA! Ned Beatty sees a therapist!

  7. So, looking at this cartoon again I think the obesity epidemic is out of control; even the cartoon characters are gettin' paunchy. I noticed it with the caveman anesthesiologist one, too. This is not a criticism, quite the opposite in fact. If you drew people as you are, healthy and fit, people would think they were skinny! Remember when the only fat guys were Dom Deluise and Jonathan and Shelley Winters (no relation).

  8. Dan, I know this issue is a little late, but what were your thoughts on the South Park censorship in response to death threats from Muslim extremists?

  9. i've only found you today & in tradition of finding a new blog to read, began reading as many posts to catch up.

    from this i found that there are mysterious pies scattered around everywhere!

    i will now eat one in commemoration.
