Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Probing for Pasta

Bizarro is brought to you today by Chick Magnets.
I got a lot of positive mail about this cartoon, all of it from men saying they found this cartoon especially meaningful because the primary female in their life routinely behaves this way.

It's not politically correct to suggest differences in the behavior of men verses women, but I don't follow those rules because I think there are plenty of innate differences in the behavior of men and women and it isn't about superiority or inferiority, it's about evolutionary advantage. That said, it has been my experience that women are much more guilty of this kind of ordering than are men. That's not backed up by a scientific study or a national poll, I'm just citing several decades of personal experience. I can't think of an evolutionary advantage to it just now, but given enough time, I might be able to make something up.

My own CHNW does not do this very often but many of our female friends do. Three that I can think of off the top of my head are so bad about this that they seem dangerously close to invading the kitchen and supervising their meal. I have no doubt that they have consumed significantly more cook's saliva than those of us who can stick to a menu. As a vegan, I often will say "without cheese," but that's usually the extent of it. I'm hoping that isn't enough to raise the chef's ire.

On a different note, I Tweeted the picture below last week and a lot of people liked it, so I'll share it here with you. I took this shot off of my TV screen, it is of a man who was weighing in about the U.S.A. vs. Canada, gold medal men's hockey match. I think he's the pope of Canada.


  1. That's none other than Don Cherry! And he pretty much is the pope of Canada.

  2. I believe that is Don Cherry ( And yes, he is the Pope of Canada.

  3. Don Cherry would win in a fight with the pope and half of the clergy, and he dresses better than they do.

  4. My ex was never like that in a restaurant, but we had a friend who was. She would go the full distance, invariably finding something to complain about so that she'd get the meal for free even after it had been specially prepared for her (spittle and all?). Truth is, I've never seen a guy grill the waiter. Maybe it's a "if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger" gene on the Y chromosome.

  5. i love the pictures you put in your text, you can make a serious and meaningful text very interesting! great fun!

  6. Ha! Your image link for "Three that I can think of" is of a couple of my real life friends! That pic was probably promoting a show tied to theire Accordion Babes Calendar that Renée (on our left) produced.

    If you have interest in snagging one, there's a few left at

  7. Don Cherry he's the hockey guy in Canada he hosts Hockey Night In Canada and about the wearing suit you see him wearing. He go's to fabricland(A large store selling only fabric) picks out a very weird one and has a suit made out of it! ( I live in Canada but I plan to move to Manhattan when I "grow up".

  8. Sometimes, it's something we vegans have to do if we're dragged to a veggie-hostile restaurant by our carnist family.

  9. ...I used to do that in my twenties til I realized I was being a pain in the neck - not just to waiters and cooks but to my dining companions - and that eating in a restaurant means you came to get what they had on the menu.

    Love the cartoon!

  10. Your posts always crack me up! Love the accordions.

    It's a shame that Dick Cheney doesn't play one. I could imagine him playing the Imperial March.

  11. Doesn't know who Don Cherry is.... He falls somewhere between hockey mascot and beloved childhood cartoon character.

  12. "Mama's got a squeeze box, Daddy never sleeps at night"

  13. Don Cherry, as they said.

    The best part is: that has to be the most restrained suit he's ever worn. That's like he's going to a funeral. Dig around on the Web and check out the dozens of Don Cherry's suit-and-tie combo pages.

  14. That cartoon is a Top 1% Bizarro for me.

    After the tweet I'm sure Dan was told a hundred times (as if he didn't already know), but for all you kids out there I'll pile on... that is Don Cherry, and yes he is the Pope of Canada.

    He was truly resplendent in that red (silk?) jacket. Dan's picture doesn't come close to doing the live feed justice (especially in HD).

  15. Don Cherry is the pope of Canada's boss.

  16. That is definitely Don Cherry. He pontificates weekly on CBC's Hockey Night in Canada between periods of the hockey game. He's pope-ular because he speaks his mind. His co-host Ron MacLean is his witty thoughtful foil, often stealing Cherry's thunder at the end with a well-aimed wordplay.

  17. I didn't see this as a joke about women.... I immediately assumed the woman was a vegan, because all my vegan friends, male and female, order this way :))
    (...Unless, of course, we're in a vegan-friendly restaurant, where someone realised that it's much easier to mark vegan meals than to spend 10 minutes trying to answer your question. This means they usually a) scratch their heads, b) go to the back to ask the chef c), come back to say they don't really know and d) suggest they can take the meat out of the Caesar salad.)

  18. For your information I have met Don Cherry and he always looks bigger than life on tv but not in person he is not that tall. Go figure!
