Monday, February 15, 2010


So here it is President's Day and Valentine's Day back-to-back. Who can afford all of the presents for both such important holidays, especially in this sluggish economy?!

The solution is to get that special someone (and yourself) a Bizarro iPhone app! Boy, am I excited about it! I've been working for months with some very cool app designers here in NYC and we've come up with a new innovation in the comics-for-phones field!

Previously, with other comics apps, you could only buy a given number of cartoons and cram them into your phone and when you'd seen them all, that was that. Could take you ten minutes, could take you ten years.

With the Bizarro app, a NEW COMIC is added EVERY DAY! (The same comic that appears in newspapers.) PLUS, at any given time there is a YEAR'S ARCHIVE of comics that can be accessed super easy and fast from a handy-dandy calendar page. You can also click to access bio info about me (oh! so funny!), info about Bizarro (more humor!), and a help link if pushing buttons on a phone ends up being more than you can handle. Also, you can shoot an email to your other cool friends who might like this app, and you can leave comments. Last, but not least, you can
click to access this very ever-lovin' blog.

ALL FOR ONLY $1.99 PER YEAR! How can we give all of these laughs, drawings, insights, and life-changing experiences away for only $1.99 per year? I'm not sure, I'll have to ask them about raising the price to something more appropriate, like $10K per week. But for now, the price is DEAD CHEAP, so don't miss it!

As you can see from the graphic below, the home page is super long, so scroll down, amigos!


Click it to big it...


  1. Awesome! Dropping by 1.99 now! Randy

  2. Any chance this will be ported over to Android for those of us that've not sipped deeply from the wondrously sparkly kool-aid offered by the man with the turtle-neck?

    Turtle-neck being a reference to his attire and not some weird deformity.

  3. very, very cool!
    is this the future of syndicated comics?

  4. heh you stay out of my phone...

    love your comics though

    i mean i just wouldn't feel right sticking my ear that close...

  5. Tempting but I have a icon bookmark link to your blog and it's just so easy even for how lazy I am :x. Maybe once I graduate and work for the man I'll throw the 2 dollars I usually use to buy beef jerky on my way home into your app instead. By then I'll have upgreaded to eating hotdogs from the cart outside my big corporate building and able to afford both! Maybe you laughed at my poking fun at silly fat corporate pigs. and...beef jerky. I know i did

  6. I'd like to say that I'm disappointed in you for your commercialism, but will rather congratulate you for having the first (that I know of) comic strip ap on the iPhone, even if it means you've become a minion of corporate evil...

  7. I just got an iphone TODAY am in the middle of a download frenzy. Adding the Bizarro app . . .

  8. 3:00 in the morning ... woke up with a start. Wondered if the day's Bizarro was posted. It was!!! Big silent laugh--can't wake up the house, which only made the snowwoman's "work" funnier. Thanks!!

  9. How about for Blackberry?

  10. My new favourite app! Thank you. But, what do you mean by "$1.99 PER YEAR"? Will the app stop working next year?

  11. @James: Seconded. If this gets made for Android, you've got my 1.99...

  12. If I had that sophisticated a phone, I'd get it!

  13. Actually, this could be an interesting new subscription idea. Many people who live in families that get a newspaper will focus mainly on the comics anyway, the only downside being that there are lots of comics you gloss over and don't need. If an iPad app came out that would allow you to build your own "funnies page" with cartoons you select, at similar prices for cartoons as your app represents, that would be a good delivery system. Daily comics, maybe your favorite half-dozen, for the equivalent of about a dollar a month. I'd probably buy into that.

  14. fuck. I wish I had an iPhone

  15. I think it's a pretty neat idea. A cool way of distributing your work for sure- subscription content seems to be the way of the future. I'm also glad there are so many android users on here, though the blackberry person made me realize there are still at least three major phone OS's to worry about. Guess you've got one really big one for now.

  16. the big newspaper syndicates already have something similar to what LUIS is talking about. for a yearly fee, you can pick from their list of comics and they will email 'em to you every morning. i'm sure that right now, somewhere in their corporate offices, someone is working on an iphone/ipod/ipad version of that right now!
    millions of trees breathe a collective sigh of relief.
