Monday, January 11, 2010


Bizarro is brought to you today by Scary Maneaters.

Okay, so this cartoon could be construed as being political and my readers often object to my doing that, but I think this is a good kind of political. It makes a broad point about human nature, not something specific to any particular party's beliefs, therefore not likely to alienate any of my readers. Even viewers of Fox News.

It is an immutable fact that humans are far and away the most dangerous and destructive animal on the planet, but we are so anthropocentric that as soon as any other beast touches one of us, posses of goobers comb the countryside killing everything that looks like the offender. Sad, unjust, shortsighted, perverse, but utterly predictable.

But to be fair to we humans, I think it is good to note that if any other species had risen to our level of dominance, it would likely have behaved similarly. Survival (of oneself, one's offspring, species, way of life, etc.) is a such a strong primal urge that it is not easily defeated. When we or one of ours has been attacked, it is easy for emotion to overcome reason and strike back irrationally.

Our mutant brains are simultaneously our greatest ally and our biggest fault. In the hands of a fool, the human brain is a deadly weapon. (You may quote me. Please. I'm dying to be quoted by someone for any reason at all. My ego is an eggshell in a hurricane, throw me a bone.)

Sorry for the mixed metaphor in that last sentence. I hope it does not deter you from quoting me.

One final point: Don't you think tigers are pretty?


  1. "In the hands of a fool, the human brain is a deadly weapon."

    Of course, I picture a drooling moron--or better, a jester--hiding behind a corner with brain in hand, ready to bean the next passerby. . . .

  2. Funny that this cartoon should come up today. I was just thinking of writing you about it.

    I love this cartoon so much that I printed it out and stuck it to our fridge - one of the only things stuck there. It makes me smile every day.

  3. O c'mon,
    The problem isn't the politics of the punchline, its the trivial nature of the observation. Human beings are responsible for deplorable enough actions that a maneating tiger might eat human flesh for ethical reasons.... blah blah blah.
    I don't know if you ever 'revise' a comic after its printed, but if it had said something like "Some maneaters will eat anything they find in the jungle. Myself, I only choose the steriod free, free-range, vegetable fed ones." It would have been much better. In fact that's how I'm going to remember this comic.

  4. "In the hands of a fool, the human brain is a deadly weapon." It's true. Just yesterday I saw an altercation on the freeway, wherein the cellphone-talking idiot responsible grabbed her brain and threw it at the motorist behind her. It splattered on his windshield and he almost bonked the car beside him. The instigator, of course, didn't miss her brain one bit and drove on, chatting away.

  5. It freaked me out to see this today, as a tiger kept as a "pet" mauled and killed it's owner in Canada.

    I like my tigers wild and free.

  6. Wow... Dan, this has to be your most cynical commentary.

  7. A Tiger is indeed a beautiful creature, a Bengals fan? Not so much!! I'm quoteing You in my facebook status for the rest of the night, which means it will be up for over 12 hours... Just so you know.

  8. i'm going to say something superficial.

    your header should actually say "They're GRRRRRREAT!"

  9. Janet F WilliamsMonday, January 11, 2010

    I like how the tiger on the left is looking at the viewer, breaking the 4th wall. More impact that way.

  10. Thanks for the laugh. Got it just right with the tigers. Your type of political is always the good type. And nice to see somebody else saying "posses of goobers." (No offense meant toward peanuts, of course.) And what's with your readers who don't like the political stuff? Those are the best. Hell, everything's political. Hope ya keep doin' what ya doin'....

  11. Yes, I think tigers are pretty!

  12. I think tigers are pretty. The only ugly tiger is a human( Tiger Woods).

    <3 your comic:)

  13. I love your tigers! They look awesome!

  14. Actually, I think humans would be rather tasty.

  15. I did until I clicked the link. Now I'm not so sure...

  16. Yes. I think tigers are incredibly of my favorite animals, in fact.

    And, just so's ya know, I quote you on a regular basis on my facebook acct. well, plagarize is more like it, but your ending "enjoy unicorns and sparkles" type statements are just to fun to not use.

    Thanks for your wit. My friends on facebook enjoy it immensely!
