Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunny Sunday Punny

(To view this image more big, click on the left eyeball of the seventh clone getting out of the car.)

Bizarro is brought to you today by Freaky Science.

Here's another of my Sunday Punnies series, which is a collection of three puns mostly submitted by readers and friends. If you have an idea for a fun pun and would like to see it in Bizarro with no compensation whatsoever other than the fun of seeing your idea in print, send it to me. The puns need to be original in that you didn't see it in another comic or on the Internet or whatever. And you should be aware that most of the ideas people send are not accepted because I'm looking for something of a certain type and style that I find both unusual and interesting visually. If all that makes sense to you, submit away, what have you got to lose?

You can either send them to me in the comments section of one of my blog posts, or via email. My address is at

By the way, the comics that get credited are from close friends or colleagues as a special favor, in the past I have not been doing that for everyone. But my new policy will be give a small credit line – like the "w/Brandt" above – for anyone whose idea I use for a Sunday Punny. Weeeee!


  1. Talk about freaky science - I bought a box of Neutrinos Cereal and there was nothing inside but air!

  2. Weird... I had no idea subatomic charged particles were part of the Ron Paul revolution. (Yes, I get the joke, but there was a guy named Ron running in the last election, so I tried to make a joke of my own)

  3. Just exactly what is the freaky little batman holding?
