Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Bizarro is brought to you by Poignant Clothing.

Today's cartoon is about motorcycles and wheelchair ramps and daredevils and people who work at corny chain restaurants like T.G.I.Friday's. I'm getting a giggle from it.

Pretty soon I'm going to start doing the occasional video blog. Do you think that would be fun? I'll just sit at my desk and talk into a home video camera about the day's cartoon or whatever. Let me know your thoughts.

You're special. Write it on your hand in Sharpie so you don't forget.


  1. YES, Video Blog is a great idea!!!!

  2. your mug on my machine every day hmmmm let me think about that...if you are as funny as your stand up bits that i have seen fine...if it is crappy footage of you with the rock band in houston probably not..but it could be cool everyonce in that positive enough...

    OK god i would LOVE to have you on my machine everyday

  3. only if you can still hyperlink to wonderfully ridiculous images. and include closed captioning for the listening-impaired. and a transcript for the easily distracted. I think that's all.

  4. Would you have a shirt on? If you can answer in the affirmative then count me in...

  5. That'd be really fun!
    And you should picture link your videos like you do your blog posts too! :D
    Not like we'd have to click the video, but you'd just have funny pictures in them as well.

  6. Any expanding entertainment from the Bizarro world is welcome ! Video blog sounds great. I stop by the daily comic blog on here every day. Huge fan, thanks for doing what you do !

  7. If you do start doing video blogs, don't forget to leave some regular blogs in there from time to time. I'm a student who is usually visiting your blog if I have nothing to do in class, but the computers at my school block videos.

  8. I like reading blogs more than watching 'vlogs.'
    Plus then how would you do all your fabulous links in the middle of your writing.

  9. Yes! I think a video blog from you could be way cool.

  10. Maybe if Ashley does the video blog? I bet your web traffic would be through the roof.

  11. I think that would be interesting, but I also like your usual posts with all the funny links:D

  12. awwww... you're sweet. I think you're special too.

    I think a video blog would be cool. I'd watch it.

  13. Yeah! I'd love a videoblog! I love to understand your way of thinking and how do you come out with the daily bizarros. If written words can give me that much information I think a video of your physical self xD explaining the cartoon would be awesome.

    Cheers from Argentina!

  14. My Sharpie dried up. What do I do now?

  15. I love you Dan. Do it.

  16. Could work, but how would you do the hyperlinks of other funny and interesting pics etc.? My aged computer gets clogged arteries from too much video and I doubt it could link within a video to another. It's gigabit challenged. Plus f...g Norton slows everything down.
    PS. You are marvelous even without action.

  17. I personally like this shirt better:

  18. A video blog would be fun, but difficult to watch at work... where it's possible to read blogs without others noticing too much.
    Love the concept. BTW, Bennigan's and Steak & Ale both went out of business in 2009... so you will have to find another restaurant to make fun of... Friday's or Chili's would be good!

  19. @Jodie...
    Good point. I changed it just now to "T.G.I.Fridays"

  20. Great gag in this cartoon! I hate how serious managers are about their crappy restaurants.
    For a video blog, make sure to plan out a show every time. Nothing irks a viewer like a pointless, slow-moving rant no matter what he's watching.
    Themes are good.

  21. Dan I'd love to see your punim any time I could, but what about the funny pix you always inject into your commentaries? Are you going to display visual aides on flash cards?

  22. I like the links also. They remind me of the old HBO series "Dream On" where a short portion of an old movie would appear from the main character's thoughts.

  23. +1 for video blogs.
    who would your special guests be?

  24. I don't have any room left on my hands to Sharpie it in... or on my arms. Or on my legs, for that matter. Hmm... Would you accept a place over my belly-button? I think there's enough room left for it right next to the random floating eye...

  25. As long as there is still text to read... I don't have the patience for videos but I know that many people get a lot out of them.
