Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tears of a Clown Shoe

Bizarro is brought to you today by Footwear Violence.

Here's one of those stories you'll only hear if you read this blog. (And only "hear" if you read it aloud.)

I originally wrote this joke as the black and white version below shows. When I submitted it, I knew there might be some discussion over whether it was wise to submit it to my client papers and I was right. After a conversation with my editor and friend, whom we'll call "Choppy the Editor" for reasons of anonymity, it was decided that matters of erection might raise some eyebrows in many of my smaller-town markets.

You might say I should forge ahead and ignore the priggish ways of the powers that be, but in this economy, newspapers are looking for ways to save money and one of their routine practices is to cancel a comic. Giving them an excuse isn't wise, so I changed the gag.

I'm glad it happened this way, because the clown picture is much funnier anyway.

By the way, the Washington Post Express canceled Bizarro recently, a client that I really cherished. No idea why, probably just financial concerns. If this bothers you, please contact them (you can likely find an email address pretty easily) and tell them you have tears in your eyes and can barely get through the day. You'll be my new best friend.


  1. Booooo Washington Post Express!!

    Yaaaaay Clowns!!!

  2. It seems newspapers are going the way of the passenger pigeon, not as many people are reading them. Why bother when Fox news, the bastion of 'fair and balanced' is around.

    I am sorry the paper canceled your cartoon, that is horrible news. Your comics are important and have been a source of delight over the years, and continue to be.

    How are things between yourself and the Globe and Mail? (In Toronto, Canada)

    -Ibrahim Khider-

  3. I think the door handle is much funnier in the black-and-white version of the gag.

  4. =v= Doesn't smoking cause erectile dysfunction? It's on the Internet, so it must be true.

  5. Well crap. The WaPo is where I read your comic every morning. I'll write 'em.

  6. Well, I looked and looked. I cannot find any way to contact them, other than to buy advertising space.

    If anyone else knows how, perhaps you could share it here.

  7. someone at comicsidontunderstand.com thought this comic was about how Abercrombie and Fitch hires young people to stand outside their store wearing their clothes and smoke.
    did you have that in mind?

  8. @I.Khider...
    Things seem fine with me and the T&G, but then, you never know.
    Very funny, hadn't noticed that.:)
    Yes, as does eating meat or anything else that decreases bloodflow.
    Someone told me you can write to them here:http://www.expressnightout.com/contactus.php
    I hadn't heard that about A&F. If it is true, it is hilarious. Art mimics life, and vice versa.

  9. i wrote the express (the following: bizarro is the best!!! put him back on your pages) but because i live in illinois i doubt it will do much good .. if i hear back i will let you know...

    the clowns actually look kinda sad was that intentional...

  10. @doug nicodemus...
    Thanks for writing to them, I appreciate.
    The characters in the cartoon aren't really meant to be clowns, but employees of a store that sells wigs and shoes, so they have to wear them on the job. I tried to make them look a bit "put out".

  11. What if you placed the clown in front of the erectile dysfunction clinic. With his large shoes and his "notice me" hair, it might be apparent that he's compensating for something...ED, of course. By the way, booo Washington Post; they don't know what they're missing.

  12. I sent them a message, you can do so here: http://www.expressnightout.com/contactus.php. Your comic was the only reason I picked up their paper over the Washington Examiner and I included that in my message :)
