Monday, December 21, 2009

Baby Head Syndrome

Bizarro is brought to you today by Big Babies.

I like putting baby heads on adults. I did it in a cartoon a few years ago (which if I had any kind of modern filing system I'd be able to find and link to now) about a woman who had asked her plastic surgeon to make her look as young as possible. I like both of those cartoons.

But as funny as I think it is in cartoon form, what if that were an actual syndrome that people could have? Their bodies would grow normally but their heads would remain like an infant's. No matter how cute that baby head was, it would not be funny. Just creepy.

Or maybe our instinctive attraction to babies would pull us toward them and the large body attached would simultaneously push us away. Freaky.

If this syndrome does exist and I'm not aware of it, my apologies to anyone reading this who may have or know someone who has a baby head.


  1. You never wathed the 1930's movie "Freaks"? A must see. Baby-head syndrome would be microcephaly In the movie they were Pinheads).

  2. I think it's called Mickey Rooney-itis. ;)

  3. Not funny. I suffer from that syndrome. Over the last several years my hair has started disappearing and my face has gotten round and puffy. My profile picture is a very good representation of what I look like today. Where's our charity? What color are our ribbons?

  4. I think it happens in Betty Boop, M.D. (1932)

  5. The cartoon, and the Blog brought this to mind...

  6. I'm kind of an idiot sometimes... Anyway, that picture is called the Hatching Baby or something to that effect, it's at the Port of Odessa in Ukraine, and it was erected to signify the birth of Ukrainian independence after the fall of the Soviet Union. If you are interested the sign behind says "Black Sea Station" It's located on the city-side of the exhibition center in Odessa.

  7. If there were a baby head syndrome, the afflicted would die out because every time they went to wash their cars they'd drown in the bucket of water. Oh, my, did I make that insensitive a comment (that is if there IS a baby head syndrome)...

  8. Dave's comment prompts me to ask:
    Why do men get bald and round- faced with age while women's faces grow wizened and with hair run amok?

  9. hahaha

    heh i posted your smart car cartoon at today

    i hope that is ok with you oh great one...

  10. Have you not seen Brazil? Baby Heads are freaking scary!

  11. I take no offense, but there is a syndrome out there that does have something like that called Apert Syndrome which my son has. He was born among other things, with all his soft spots and skull sutures fused and had he not had surgery he would have the same size skull for much of his life until his brain would grow to the point of causing either his eyeballs to pop out of his head or chiari, where the brain grows down the hole where the spinal cord comes into the skull eventually paralyzing him. While that stuff is not funny, your cartoons are and I really don't take offense. I just thought I would let you know.

  12. hahaha... i thinks this funny,anyway thanks for share

  13. I think there's a baby brain syndrome. People who look like adults on the outside, but are always acting like a baby. I'm pretty sure I know several people with that syndrome. It's called: Why-Don't-You-Just-Go-Up-itus. Google it. Pretty sure that you'll find it there.

  14. This is simply hilarious - great one, Mr Piraro!

  15. Funny stuff...would be funny to see the opposite - grown head on baby body - something like "Aw, he has his father's eyes"
