Thursday, November 5, 2009


The winner of contest #10 is Chris Bulock, whose email did not appear in his/her entry. (So leave it in the comments section of this posting, Chris, and I won't publish it.)

Second place goes to Spyra.

Third place goes to Aftersox.

Debbie P, you were damn close, with the second entry in the comments section and all of your answers were correct but YOU ONLY HAD 14! I hate it when that happens. I should send you a consolation prize.

Thanks to all who played our idiotic little game, your trading cards will be zooming toward you soon, with my DNA all over them!

Correct answers this week:
1. “heAded” vs. “heEded”
2. eyeball on leader’s hat looking other way
3. real hand vs. hook hand
4. front child’s beard
5. troop vs. poop
6. second child wearing lady’s shoe
7. fifth child has banana on hat
8. snake around third child’s stick
9. second boy with arrow in butt
10. fourth boy with xxx jug
11. fourth boy with glasses
12. fifth boy with watch
13. sixth boy with lizard tongue
14. seventh boy with pipe
15. final boy’s bird beak


  1. Sigh, another contest came and went while I was sleeping in Europe. Still no mercy for the non-american fans?

  2. @Steinar...
    Sorry, mate. The vast majority of my readers are in North America so I naturally curtail the timing of the contests to them. Plus, it's expensive and requires a trip to the post office to mail things overseas. :)
