Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Easter Island Neighbor

Bizarro is brought to you today by Show Business.

I guess Jay Leno's new show made me think of this cartoon. Either that, or it was that time a few weeks ago that my business partner, Rey, said, "What about Easter Island but with Jay Leno's chin?"

I'm never really sure what Rey is talking about and I'm not even sure if he was talking about a cartoon in this case, but it gave me this idea, so here it is.

Except for the desk being missing, the Jay's new show doesn't seem all that different, right? Which is fine, he was very popular on The Tonight Show, so why change a winning formula? I guess I just thought it was going to be more different.

If anyone from the new Jay Leno Show is watching, can I be a guest, please? I think it would be good for my career.


  1. if you were a guest, i might consider watching!

  2. Jay's chairs don't look very comfortable. Maybe if you want the comfy chairs you have to buy the desk, too. Yes, you should be a recurring guest on that show, bring a new freshness to it (bring your own chair).

  3. LOL! LOL! LOL! Love this! I used to watch a show hosted by Leonard Lemoy (?) that discussed mysteries ~ Unsolved Mysteries(?) back in the 70's. The segment on Easter Island has continued to resonate in my mind all these years later. I love all things that remind me of this happy time in my childhood, of which you have. Very nice. What a lovely way to end my day. With a smile. Thanks!

    P.S. We lost our local paper in July (Ann Arbor News), hence my daily Bizzaro fix. Thanks for continuing your blog. I miss seeing you in print, but a bonus online is the color.

  4. i am sooooo glad you explained that to me...cathy said what is wrong with i showed her the cartoon and she shrugged her shoulders and walked out the door...

  5. Cool cartoon. Much better than Jay's show.
