Thursday, September 10, 2009


The winner of this week's contest is Joe K. from Illinois. Congrats, Joe, send me your mailing address in a comment (which I won't post) or an email and I'll send you your booty!

It has come to my attention that this contest is too easy. So next week, I'm going to throw a wrench in the works to make it a little tougher for the "flip back and forth between tabs" style competitors. Level the playing field a bit.

Thanks again for playing, a cartoon post follows.


  1. You know what might make it harder for tab flippers (or eye crossers): make one of the images a mirror image (flip around the vertical axis).

    Better yet, after making it a mirror image combine the two images into one big image with the two images side-by-side.

    Sure, somebody could crop out the mirror-image portion, flip it and then start flipping their tabs, but by the time they got through doing that, somebody else would have won the contest!

  2. I like to do the contest by loading the images next to each other and then crossing my eyes. All of the changed items then look 3-D and ghostly.

    If I do it long enough, other interesting things happen.

  3. Got your address, Joe. I'll be sending your winnings in a couple of days. Give me a shout if they don't arrive by end of next week!
