Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reindeer Rage

Bizarro is brought to you today by my New Year's Eve Hangover.

As is my custom, here is last week's cartoon, so even though it is New Year's Day, you are looking at the Xmas Day cartoon.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I got a lot of angry mail about this one. Most people who complained were obviously Palin supporters and were tired of the never-ending attacks against her. They also saw this as a political cartoon, which I guess I can understand.

In truth, I intended this cartoon to be about the reaction of Santa's reindeer to Palin being an avid hunter and killer of all things not human, and nothing to do with politics at all. I can understand the confusion, most people don't ever consider an animal's point of view toward hunting and Palin is a highly controversial political character, so it is no surprise that that is where many (if not most) reader's minds went immediately.

Many readers complained that I was encouraging violence and vandalism against a public official. True, I'm no fan of Sarah Palin's and believe that her becoming VP would have been a monumental catastrophe from which the country might never have recovered, but I would never condone or encourage violence against her or her property. Given what Miss Wasilla (and her hillbilly clan) would do to these reindeer, however, I think a little spray paint and toilet paper is actually pretty restrained.


Return to your homes and businesses, there is nothing to see here.


  1. I've been waiting for this post all day. I can go take a nap now and enjoy the rest of my day off!

  2. Hunting is political. Animal rights are political. Just like abortion or euthanasia. And I'm sure Mrs. Palin supports the death penalty too, so I wouldn't say that she is against the killing of human beings.

  3. Since most of the folk in this country that would understand what to do with the toilet paper and spray paint are of the primate descent and not of the deer family, it is safe to say you are not inciting anyone to do anything. Thank you for the laugh.

  4. When I saw the interview of Palin with the turkeys being slaughtered in the background -- which she knew was happening behind her -- I knew she wasn't just a clueless bimbo. She's a downright coldhearted, tone-deaf, clueless bimbo. A dangerous combination.

  5. For crying out loud. I don't like Mallard Fillmore, but I don't write the author to complain about his politics. (I don't like Mutts either, but that's just because there's nothing entertaining about a dog with a speech impediment.)

    People need to get over it if they don't like the Bizarro POV.

  6. What do you mean.... cartoon. Do you see things differently????

    But hummmm Palin in go-go boots!!!! Whoo-ya neighbor!!!!!

  7. hey dan you and your wife and many bloggers being animal activists i wanted to post this article from todays rhode island providence journal

    this is an example of a rhode island scummer....this was found two towns south of me

    please read

  8. Well, I thought it was funny.

  9. It took me a while, but I eventually got the "reindeer meat" connection. I'm not a Palin supporter, but I'm weary of every aspect of the 2008 election circus. Every new comic strip that drags the ruckus back into memory is unwelcome.

    This one slightly less so. Extremely less so than from right-leaning strips.

  10. Does this mean that doves will soon be vandalizing the homes of the Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers?

  11. Follow-up: did anyone find it kind of hypocritical during the election season that people who said some of the harshest things against Palin went into conniptions whenever they heard mild criticism of Obama? Double standards much?

  12. As it is a brit site you probably have not seen

    but you might enjoy it (and other 'news' items on that site, although the references to the Isle of Wight might be lost on non-brits).


  13. Look on the bright side, according Russian academic Igor Panarin, there is a 50/50 chance that Granny Palin could Russia's problem after 2010.
    See the WSJ article at

  14. I love it I love it I love it!

  15. I instantly knew that they were upset about her hunting of moose and other four-legged creatures. What would they have against any other parts of her policies?

    Josh - No, I didn't ever see any of that. Are you also a fan of the song, "Barack the Magic Negro?" Its more than Barack supporters who would be offended by that. All black people would be offended by that.

  16. Jeremy: No, I've never even heard that song, and I don't want to. It sounds offensive and stupid and the moron who recorded it needs to be mocked.

    I am not a right-winger. I'm a libertarian, and frustrated with the liberals and conservatives. But lefties tend to irritate me a little more because they can be very hostile and hateful when confronted with dissenting viewpoints. They're just as bad as the hardcore neo-cons.

    Maybe you didn't see any of that double-standard, but I got quite a bit of it during the election season. Whenever I went on other blogs or handed out pamphlets, liberals didn't mind the criticism of Bush, McCain and Palin. But when I said anything about Obama, like how he voted for FISA and the bullshit bailouts, they would hammer me. I was called a "libertard", told to go to hell, some people said they hoped I choked to death while sucking on... well, a part of the male anatomy.

    I could go on, but I think I'll leave it with a quote by Penn Jillette that I think fairly sums up the two parties: "Democrats are the party of hate, republicans are the party of fear."

  17. Well, it seems like you want Democrats to be somehow less like other human beings, who are hostile towards views differing from their own.

    It sounds like you get the same response as when I tell people that I believe what Moses says in the Bible as true.

    If you feel strongly about those views then by all means, go with it man. You have to be ready for opposition though.

    I personally don't get offended when people think Obama's vote on FISA was bad. I agree, but there is so much more to like about the guy!

  18. Fantastic cartoon, Dan! Sarah Palin is one of the most disturbing and scary politicians, even if you're not a vegetarian.

    Consider she offered $100 per right foot of wolves and allowed aerial hunting of the poor animals. For those not familiar with the practice, you use an airplane so you can run an animal to exhaustion before shooting it. The wolves are then skinned, and the rest of the carcass is discarded. So, so cruel.

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