Sunday, December 7, 2008

This Just In

(Click the map to enlargicate it)
Bizarro is brought to you today by The Next Fashion Trend.

This cartoon is outside my usual style, but I really love it. I thought of it a couple of weeks before the election but couldn't get it into the Bizarro lineup until weeks later. I figured as long as people could still remember the catch phrases from the election it would still work.

One thing I realized while writing this cartoon was that virtually all the catch phrases were from the Republican side. I tried to make it as "fair and balanced" as possible, but the Obama campaign only had a couple of slogans and didn't produce the kind of constant stream of punch lines that McCain and Palin did. But that's how the GOP of the past 10 years has been operating. They have depended on propaganda and jingoism to convince folks other than the uber-wealthy to vote for them, and that means SOUNDBITES!

One last bit of trivia: My dad's birthday is Nov 30 and I always put a small "Happy B-Day Dad" in the margin of a cartoon that runs on that day. This year was no exception and the cartoon that I originally turned in for Nov 30 had the message. But the following week, I did the Electoral College Map cartoon and to make it as relevant as possible, we bumped it up in the lineup. Long story short, the Sunday cartoon for next week, December 14, will have the birthday message to my dad, even though its two weeks late.

Yesterday's book store event in Clayton (which, in spite of what I had originally said, is only an hour or less east of SF, just beyond Walnut Creek, to answer the queries of some commentators yesterday) went very well. Sold almost all the books the store had ordered, nice-sized crowd, everyone was sweet as pie. Special thanks to Joel and Veritha (I'm terrible with names and I'd never heard yours before, hope I didn't mess it up too badly) for their hospitality.


  1. =v= If you're looking for something to do tonight, ride your Pedersen down to Winterfest. What? You left that at home?!?!?!?

  2. Hi Dan,

    I love this cartoon !!!

    THAT ONE ! YOU BETCHA ! LOL !!! ; )

  3. just the kind of thing i was looking for to put my last post in balance, electoral college, hahahahaha

    hahahahah, ahemha, i'm not enrolling there

    that pic, the gleam in your eye, that shirt...


  4. you spelled pavilion wrong! ...unless you were referring to the town in wyoming.

  5. Let me guess, in that 1976 photo you had "bell-bottoms" on? Or possibly wore those sandals that had a wave for the sole?

    Were you a Debbie Boone fan "You light up my life"?

  6. Jym,
    saw your other half at Booksmith, we talked chickens.

    Dr. House,

    Glad you liked it!

    I'm firing my editor.

    bellbottoms, yes, but also platform shoes. Back then, they were unisex. Debbie Boone was way after my time, I was into The Who and Led Zepplin then, became a punk rocker a year later. Saw the Sex Pistols live in Tulsa at Cain's Ballroom.

  7. LOL XD
    I remember seeing this in the paper.

  8. Wow -- your dad must really love you -- he's touching you in spite of your hairdo and that (?) shirt! I think you are a year older than me, but I remember some guys dressed like you at my HS. I went straight from Dylan to punk rock.

    thanks for sharing your humor with us!

  9. You missed the last T in "institute".

  10. the version up on seattlepi has both "institue" and "pavillion" fixed. i wonder which way it printed. witchcraft!

  11. Yep, the typos (writos?) are fixed in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel as well. This must be an earlier version of the strip.

  12. Obsessive-compulsive, obsessive-compulsive, obsessive-compulsive.

    Spelling, spelling, spelling.

    (Turning around three times and hitting the return key once. once. once.)

  13. You're right, John. The editor fixes things and sometimes doesn't tell me to fix my original file. That's why my version is flawed.

    Gotta get that worked out.

  14. Were you into glam? That shirt is divine, you New York Doll, you!

  15. Shoot, Dan, I wish I'd read your blog sooner. You can see my house momentarily as you're driving up a largish hill 4 miles or so before you get to Clayton. It's on the border of some open space which you extends to Ygnacio Valley Rd. (the one you almost certainly traveled on). I would have love to have invited you over for some wine and good company. Maybe next time?

  16. Hey! Lorie the cat lady is back! Good times.

  17. OMG, Dan, this is SOOO f-ing funny!! Thanks!
