Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Funny Film

I found humor here.


  1. and i found happiness in this! and so will you.

    have a happy day, all.

  2. I heard about this shelter dog idea, too, and it makes me happy. By the way, can somebody explain to me how to put a hyperlink into the comments section on this blog? I'm not smart enough to figure it out, apparently.

  3. I'm suprised this is news to people, this decision was made a long time ago to adopt a pound puppy. But yes, very good to hear they won't be going down to Scamps and picking up a puppy mill dog whose mother is used as a factory machine to pump out babies.

    PETA blog entry

    There was even a online vote on which type of dog to adopt. From what I remember, Poodle won.

  4. Sure, Dan. You use the a (for anchor) tag, so:

    (A href="URL here")Words to be the link(/a)

    with ( and ) replaced with < and >

  5. The easiest way I have found to do the link is to go to your "Compose post" page. ( it helps to have a separate tab open.) Make you link there Switch to HTML mode, copy and paste into the comments box. Viola!!

  6. Finally you give us a face to tie your ridiculous comments.

    That'll be on my dart board soon enough.

  7. Oh, crap, the Bilderbergers of the world. Lord have mercy. I work with a woman who spouts about it on a regular basis. Yeesh.

    And, "Making Do With An Adopted Child," made me laugh out loud, probably because I'm an adopted child. I was adopted the day before Halloween in 1961, having been born in August of 1961, almost exactly six hours before Barack Obama. Shit, don't tell the Bilderberg Group. They'll have me arrested, or something.

  8. Medium Large is awesome. Everyone should read Bizarro first thing every day, of course, but in your spare time, Medium Large is a good way to tickle your brain cells.
