Friday, June 6, 2008

Poster Passion

As I've said on this blog before, I'm a big Obama fan. And I'm a huge fan of this poster, designed by the graphic geniuses at I wish to no one (atheist invocation) that I'd sought out one of these posters months ago when they first appeared. They're all gone now, no reprints in the offing.

If anybody happens to have one they could part with, I would consider it a HUGE favor. I'll send you a signed book, donate money to Barack's campaign in your name, donate money to you in Barack's name, whatever you think is fair.


  1. I designed some shirts with a similar feel for Bang-On T-Shirts.

  2. There are a bunch on eBay but with 'hope' or 'progress' instead of 'obama'. Check it out.

  3. have you checked they may not have that exact poster, but i've seen similar ones that look just as cool.

  4. We managed to snag one of the second series of Shephard Fairey prints off the site when they released them. It took like 5 weeks to get to us, but we finally got it. It is huge and beautiful. I wish I had thought to buy a second, I would totally give it to you. But you'll pry it from my cold dead living room wall (where it resides proudly near our print of "The Rescue").

  5. there's this DIY site!

  6. That is beautiful!

    Just finished listening to Dreams of My Father. Great.

    Finally we can look forward.
