Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trading Card Orgy

Piraro (left) and his brilliant, indispensable assistant, Mo Wyse (other left), display an original sketchcard and the $25 American received in return for it.

Big crazy fun in Allentown this weekend at the non-sports trading card show. As I've mentioned, I have a new line of Bizarro Trading Cards out, so I went to this event to promote them. I sat at a table all day Saturday and Sunday, and did a talk on Saturday afternoon. Here's the story in pics and captions.

At right, rabid fans mob world-famous cartoonists, Dan Piraro, for trading cards, sketches, and autographs in one of his many books.

No fan goes home without a warm reception from the notoriously gregarious Piraro.

As promised in a previous blog, Piraro (below) gives a peanut to Ultra-Fan Vinny for mentioning that he found out about the show on this blog!

Piraro is startled by what appears to be a malevolent being from another world.

Whoops, false alarm! It only wanted an autograph!

3pm means time to head to the conference room for Piraro's big talk. It's just through the antique mall,
down this long corrider,

down this next long corrider,

and through that door.

Here we are, just moments before the talk is to begin!

There's nothing more fun than spending a weekend schmoozing with Bizarro readers. All in all, I sold a lot of cards, made some good contacts in the collectors' world, and sampled some dandy local vegan food joints. Vegan Treats is not to be missed, and Balasia has a brunch that will blow the lids off your horn section. Seriously, brothers and sisters, hope to see you at another event soon.


  1. Apologies for the personal question but are you short or was everyone at the convention very tall?

  2. Who are you calling short? Piraro is a ten foot tall giant among men! He makes Sasquatch look like a pistachio, I tells you! Well, he seems quite tall to me...but then again everyone seems tall to me...i guess it's all a matter of perspective.

  3. you have no idea how happy all your links make me. gives me a whole new reason to come to your blog. heart.
